Free Do Follow Web 2.0 Websites 2021
There are many ways to increase the traffic towards a website in these days and blacklining is one of them. And one of the best ways to create free backlinks today is by utilizing Web 2.0 platforms. It is important to understand the working and benefits of this platform to get more results from it. Web 1.0 were static — you could only read them. There was little interaction between users, there weren’t any comment sections or other channels to provide any kind of feedback to the publishers.

Now internet is a place where people visit to share their opinion or to interact with the content. This has made the internet a completely new world which is called global village. Web 2.0 are dynamic sites and allow users to create their own pages, comment, post images or links, and interact with other users in a variety of different ways. Blogs, social networking sites, and video-sharing platforms are all examples of Web 2.0 sites. But when we talk about Web 2.0’s from an SEO perspective we are generally talking about websites which allow you to create mini-websites on their platform. The platforms are all also very easy to set up and use which is why they were created in the first place — as an alternative to using something like WordPress or HTML to build a site for those that don’t have the skills necessary. The best part is you don’t need to learn complex computer language to create your own platform for any product or service.
They provide complete samples or ready-made designs regarding different niches like entertainment, current affairs, sports and commerce. The best part about web 2.0 is the high-DA (domain authority) of these platforms. As the authority of websites is one thing that’s weighed when determining page ranking, links from these mini-websites can be great for your SEO.

1- Blogger:
Blogger is a popular platform which enables new writers to make their own blogs freely on any subject. Thousands of users visit this platform to read the articles, blogs and posts to enhance their knowledge on different topics. Writers and readers can communicate through the website to create more understanding regarding the topics. You can find thousands of new topics where people are talking about their niches and growing their audience.
2- Site Google
Site google is structured web creation tool which in introduced by google itself. It is introduced to facilitate millions of users on the internet finding the solutions on google. Different services available on this platform are documents, forms, sheets, slides and drawings. This facility will stick you on google only because you have every solution here without any pain.
3- Weebly
There are so many options but Weebly has a different place if you want to make your own blog and interested to setup a whole ecommerce store on it. This will help to create whatever you want and you will find thousands of users on daily basis without spending money on marketing. You just need to choose your niche carefully so you can attract related traffic to your niche. Users prefer this solution to save their time and money from other things.
4- Surfer Directory
Surfer directory is best combination if you want to find blogs and want to make their own audience completely free on the internet. You can attract more and more customers by just creating words through your minds to impact the readers of this websites. You can create here what you want to tell the millions of users regrading different services and products.
This website helps you to find the best service providers in your area with the comments or opinion of real customers. This will help you to find the best solutions for your daily issues.
5- Wix
Hearing the name of this platform is not enough to know the benefits of this platform which is very popular for making any sort of platform within this. It is very easy to build up your audience without indulging into complex languages of computer. The best part about this platform is getting so much traffic without spending any penny on marketing. You will get thousands of users regarding your niche and you will be amazed with the results.